
IQRA' Parents Academy:

The Prophet (s) said:“Allah (SWT) will ask every caretaker about the people under his care, and the man will be asked about the people of his household” (Nasa’i, Abu Da’ud).

What are the values that hold strong for your family? Taking time to have discussions between parents, grandparents, siblings and children is a great way to start developing a sense of belonging and an effective approach for everyone to work towards the same goal. First, parents need to discuss amongst themselves what is most important to them. Secondly, address grandparents and children about these values to determine if everyone shares the same ideals. It is critical that children and adults all "buy" into the shared values and work effectively towards reaching similar goals. This is a great dinner time conversation where everyone has a say, however parents show a united perspective while still giving children the power to be consultants in the big picture.

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